pleasepinchmehard short reads

pleasepinchmehard short reads are my random musings on all things pleasure, parenting, identity & more. Always rambly, honest, raw and vulnerable.

While the subject pleasure and sex are omnipresent in my work, it takes a holistic approach to our life and personality to really work on our sexual (r)evolution. So these short reads are all those other thoughts I’m having as a woman, mother, sister, friend and lover.

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A photo of a broken mirror with the fragmented reflection of someone to depict trauma therapy

A Guide to Trauma Therapy

Is your everyday life haunted by past experiences? Learn about different trauma therapy techniques like CBT, EMDR, Somatic Experiencing, and Family Constellation Therapy to heal and reclaim your future.

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Photo of an illustrated uterus filled with flowers with Wilde Urnatur Logo

Wilde Urnatur Maya Womb Medicine

My personal insights and feelings about Maya Womb Medicine by Wilde Urnatur, collective healing, and women’s well-being. Expect some buzzwords and impulses (not solutions), not just for show, but to get you thinking about these concepts.

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Photo of two peaches with cream leaking out of them

Fake Orgasms Are Like Shouting Wolf

Ever wondered about the real impact of faking orgasms on your relationship and yourself? Unmask the truth, ask yourself the tough questions, and rediscover the authentic magic that lies beyond the facade. It’s time for genuine connection and self-discovery.​

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Lisa Opel's TEDx Outfit

TEDx Lisa Opel Outfit

Join me on a TEDx journey, where resilience meets style. From Marina Hoermanseder’s iconic black strap skirt to ITEM M6’s vibrant pink underwear, we unfold a narrative of empowerment and self-discovery together.

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Photo by Saint Sass with their tights and the saying "TROUBLE MAKER"

Saint Sass

Explore the empowering world of Saint Sass, a visionary brand that redefines fashion with its bold blend of style and self-determined living. Discover how this Berlin-based startup is making a statement that encourages women to embrace their unique identities and challenge societal norms.

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A photo of colorful clothes at Marina Hoermanseder's atelier in Kreuzberg, Berlin, Germany

Marina Hoermanseder

Marina Hoermanseder: Redefining Fashion with Artistry and Sustainability – Explore the innovative designs and empowering ethos of this visionary fashion brand.

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Photo of the La Dolce Vulva statement socks in diverse versions

La Dolce Vulva Statement Socks

Discover ‘La Dolce Vulva’: statement socks redefining fashion with a message of empowerment and self-love. These socks celebrate diversity and support Vulvaversity, challenging beauty norms and promoting sustainability.

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A photo of diverse sex toys on a pink background for an article by Lisa Opel for pleasepinchmehard SHORT READS about hygiene and mold regarding sex toys

Can sex toys go moldy?

Can sex toys really go moldy? Learn how to safeguard your intimate accessories and ensure a clean and healthy experience. Don’t let mold fears ruin your pleasure—find out the facts now.

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Lisa Opel TEDx Talk affiliates picture with BEDUCATED, CHEEX and FUNFACTORY

Lisa Opel TEDx Affiliates

Meet my TED Talk affiliates: FUNFACTORY, CHEEX, and BEDUCATED. Discover how these empowering brands align with my mission of self-expression and empowerment, promoting personal growth, sexual liberation, and nurturing fulfilling relationships.

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