
After the birth of our oldest I decided not to go back to work. With a career spanning sales and account management, which made me neither happy nor sad, I decided to stay home and take a timeout. But full-time mum means my brain isn’t being used as much anymore and that needed to change.
And so, very gradually, pleasepinchmehard was born. Out of my experiences working in a sex toy and fetish boutique, couple with the fact that I have been writing stories and poems since I can remember, I decided to reunite these two aspects and write short erotic stories.
How does this help regain my libido? Working on a passion project brings great motivation and satisfaction. I built this webpage over one weekend and when I talk about pleasepinchmehard the excitement is tangible.
An added bonus is that I love words. And if they’re sexy words, well, you can put two and two together!
Delegated time to work
Due to the pandemic, I had only small windows of time to work on pleasepinchmehard. We managed somehow, and I succeeded in completing the first draft of my book. But I wanted to do so much more!
Pandemic circumstances permitted, our kids will be back in nursery and pre-school at the time of my experiment (sicknesses permitted too) and I will have 4-5 hours of time in the morning to myself.
This will also help me be more present for the kids in the afternoon as I have satisfied my drive to progress in my projects.
Timeline / Deadline
Although I know I already do all I can with the little time I have, I have decided to give myself a deadline for certain aspects of my pleasepinchmehard project to better help the progress.
Deadline for book publishing (self-publish on Amazon):
By the end of November 2021, I want my book published!
This means:
September: review one story a day (roughly 30 stories altogether)
October: it’s on to proof-reading, collating and design
November: last touches and marketing/PR in order to be fully published
Whilst I could easily go back into sales or account management, I have found my passion in all things mothers, libido and writing. So for now, I am following my dreams!
Read more about the eight topics I am exploring in this self-experiment to regain my libido, relationship and happiness!
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