Perimenopause & menopause resources
Your go-to list with all things perimenopause and menopause: blogs, webpages, apps, podcasts, books, instagram accounts and more!

It has recently come to my attention that not only am I getting closer to perimenopause day by day but also that there are women worldwide entirely oblivious to the idea of a type of menopause BEFORE the actual menopause.
On top of that, menopause is still one of the top taboo subjects in society and female health alongside menstruation and libido fluctuations.
So where do I even begin?
What is perimenopause?
Perimenopause is the “before” the menopause; the woman (or person with ovaries) body goes through a process before menopause.
What are typical signs?
The ovaries stop producing eggs, hormones become erratic, periods more irregular. Sex can be uncomfortable due to vaginal dryness. Hot flashes and sweats at night may occur. All typical menopause symptoms that can happen before the actual end of a woman’s fertility takes place.
At what age does perimenopause begin?
Normally it takes place between 40 and 44 but women as young as 30 have been known to show signs.
As I am not an expert on the topic (although I will feature it more often), here are some resources by experts to get you started.
Perimenopause & Menopause INSTAGRAM ACCOUNTS
@menopause_doctors (Dr. Louise Newson)
New book out: The definitive guide to perimenopause and menopause
Read her book: Menocalypse
Dr. Tami Meraglia, a naturopathic physician, discusses hormonal imbalances, menopause, and other women’s health issues, offering practical advice and natural solutions.
Massive platform with all things perimenopause and menopause. They have a webpage, app and podcast of the same name.
Hamburg (DE) based sexologist
🎙 | Podcast: „Beziehungsweisen” (Spotify)
🎙 | Podcast: @ach_komm_podcast (Spotify)
Dr. Jenn Huber RD ND – Menopause Nutritionist. Also has a podcast: The Midlife Feast
DE book: „Unverschämt – Alles über den fabelhaften weiblichen Körper“
Perimenopause & Menopause PODCASTS
The place to be informed, supported and inspired through the rollercoaster ride of perimenopause and menopause.
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Unprepared for perimenopause? (Same!) Felt misunderstood or alone during it all? (Yup.) Feel too young for this? (Me, too!) So I’m on a quest with my friends (and my aloof vagina) to understand what other “surprises” to expect AND to get a handle on all this midlife stuff, from sex & relationships to the weird stuff happening to our bodies.
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Hosted by former telly bird from the 90s, Sarah Cawood and Louise Mitchell, not Telly Bird but normal life bird, this podcast explores all things MIDLIFE.
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Hosted by Sonya Lovell, the founder of Stellar Women, a Personal Trainer with over 12 years experience and a Breast Cancer survivor, Dear Menopause will help women understand what the hell is going on, why and what they can do to make the menopause transition more manageable.
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Sally Garozzo, a Rapid Transformational Therapist, offers insights and practical advice on how to navigate the emotional and mental challenges that often accompany perimenopause and menopause.
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Hosted by journalist and health coach Jackie Lynch, this podcast offers a wealth of advice on diet, exercise, and lifestyle changes that can help alleviate menopausal symptoms and improve overall health during this stage of life.
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Host Jo Blackwell shares stories and interviews with experts about embracing midlife and managing menopause symptoms in a positive, empowering way.
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The Midlife Feast, the podcast for women who are hungry for more in this season of life.
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Perimenopause & Menopause BOOKS
“The Wisdom of Menopause” by Christiane Northrup, M.D.
This bestselling book offers comprehensive guidance on navigating perimenopause and menopause with grace and vitality. Dr. Northrup shares practical advice on managing symptoms, understanding hormonal changes, and embracing the wisdom and opportunities that menopause brings.
“Menopause Confidential” by Tara Allmen, M.D.
Dr. Allmen, a leading menopause specialist, provides a concise and practical guide to understanding and managing menopause. From hot flashes and mood swings to hormone replacement therapy and sexual health, this book offers up-to-date information and empowering strategies for women going through the menopausal transition.
“The Menopause Manifesto” by Dr. Jen Gunter
Written by a renowned OB/GYN, this book challenges the misconceptions and stigma surrounding menopause. Dr. Gunter offers evidence-based information on hormone therapy, bone health, sexual health, and more, while empowering women to take charge of their own health during this life stage.
“Menopause: Your Management Your Way…Now and for the Rest of Your Life” by Barbara D. Taylor, M.D.
Dr. Taylor, a menopause expert, provides a practical guide for women to manage perimenopause and menopause in a personalized and holistic manner. The book covers a wide range of topics including symptoms, lifestyle changes, nutrition, and self-care, empowering women to make informed choices about their health.
“The Hormone Fix” by Anna Cabeca, D.O.
Dr. Cabeca, a triple board-certified OB/GYN, offers a holistic approach to balancing hormones during perimenopause and menopause. The book covers topics such as nutrition, lifestyle changes, supplements, and mindset, providing practical solutions for optimizing hormonal health and overall well-being during this stage of life.
“Woman on fire” von Sheila de Liz
Deutschlands beliebteste Gynäkologin weiß: Die Wechseljahre sind cooler, als wir glauben! Hitzewallungen, Gewichtszunahme, Stimmungsschwankungen – kaum eine Frau sieht den Wechseljahren gelassen entgegen. Dabei ist unser Bild von der Perimenopause hoffnungslos veraltet und benötigt dringend ein Makeover. Viele Frauen leiden heute unnötig, und keine “muss da durch”.
“Midlife-Care” von Susanne Esche-Belke, Suzann Kirschner-Brouns
Hormongesteuert? Klar! In der Lebensmitte bringen uns Östrogene, Progesteron und Co. ganz schön aus dem Takt – und viel zu oft wird dieses Ungleichgewicht nicht richtig diagnostiziert, geschweige denn behandelt. Dabei stellen sich Hormonveränderungen bereits mit Anfang 40 ein, wenn die Periode meist noch treue Begleiterin ist.
“Crazy Sexy Wechseljahre: Dein Start in die spritzigste aller Lebensphasen” von Angela Löhr
Die fiktive Protagonistin Moni führt durch den turbulenten Alltag einer fast 50-Jährigen zwischen pubertierenden Kindern, ihren „Mädels“ und Hitzewallungen. Sie nimmt dich mit auf ihre Reise in die großartige zweite Lebenshälfte und zeigt dir, wie du herausfindest, was dir im Leben wirklich wichtig ist und wie du deine eigenen Träume in die Tat umsetzt.
Perimenopause & Menopause OTHER
Hier sind einige Ressourcen zum Thema Menopause und Perimenopause auf Deutsch:
Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung (BZgA) – Menopause: Die Webseite der BZgA bietet umfassende Informationen zur Menopause und Perimenopause, einschließlich Symptome, Diagnose, Behandlungsmöglichkeiten und Tipps für ein gesundes Leben in der Menopause.
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe e.V. (DGGG) – Leitlinien zur Menopause: Die DGGG hat Leitlinien zur Menopause entwickelt, die von Ärzten zur Diagnose und Behandlung von Menopause-bezogenen Beschwerden genutzt werden können.
Netzwerk Frauengesundheit Berlin e.V. – Menopause: Das Netzwerk Frauengesundheit Berlin e.V. bietet Informationen zur Menopause und Perimenopause sowie Ressourcen für Frauen, die durch diese Lebensphase gehen.
Bundesverband der Frauenärzte e.V. (BVF) – Wechseljahre: Der BVF bietet eine informative Broschüre zum Thema Wechseljahre an, die auf Deutsch heruntergeladen werden kann.
Here are some resources about menopause and perimenopause in English:
Mayo Clinic – Menopause: Mayo Clinic’s website provides comprehensive information on menopause, including symptoms, diagnosis, treatment options, and lifestyle tips for managing menopause.
National Institute on Aging – Menopause: The National Institute on Aging offers information on menopause, including common symptoms, health risks, and tips for staying healthy during this life stage.
Office on Women’s Health, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services – Menopause: The Office on Women’s Health offers a comprehensive guide to menopause, covering topics such as symptoms, health risks, treatment options, and self-care strategies.
Here are some resources about menopause and perimenopause specifically in the UK:
NHS – Menopause: The National Health Service (NHS) website offers comprehensive information on menopause, including symptoms, diagnosis, treatment options, and lifestyle advice.
British Menopause Society (BMS): BMS is a leading organization in the UK dedicated to providing information and support related to menopause. Their website offers resources for healthcare professionals and patients, including fact sheets, guidelines, and educational materials.
Women’s Health Concern – Menopause: Women’s Health Concern, a charity in the UK, provides information and support for women going through menopause. Their website offers resources on a wide range of menopause-related topics, including symptoms, treatment options, and self-care strategies.
Menopause Matters: Menopause Matters is a UK-based website that offers information and support for women going through menopause. Their website includes articles, forums, and resources on various aspects of menopause, including symptoms, treatments, and lifestyle tips.
The Daisy Network: The Daisy Network is a UK-based charity that focuses on supporting women who are experiencing premature ovarian insufficiency (POI), which is a form of early menopause. Their website offers information on POI, including symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and support options.
When researching perimenopause and menopause, it’s important for women to consider the following recommendations:
Seek information from reputable sources: Look for information from reputable sources such as medical organizations, government health departments, and established healthcare websites. These sources are likely to provide accurate and evidence-based information on perimenopause and menopause.
Consult with qualified healthcare professionals: Always consult with qualified healthcare professionals, such as your primary care physician, gynecologist, or a menopause specialist, for personalized and accurate medical advice. They can provide tailored guidance based on your individual health history and needs.
Consider a holistic approach: Perimenopause and menopause are complex life stages that can impact various aspects of a woman’s health. Consider a holistic approach that includes physical, emotional, and mental well-being. Look for resources that cover a wide range of topics, including symptoms, hormonal changes, bone health, heart health, mental health, and lifestyle strategies for managing menopause.
Be aware of potential biases: Keep in mind that information on perimenopause and menopause can sometimes be influenced by commercial interests or personal biases. Be critical of information that may be promoting specific products, services, or ideologies without proper scientific evidence.
Stay up-to-date with current research: Medical knowledge and guidelines regarding perimenopause and menopause are continuously evolving. Stay informed about the latest research and updates in the field of menopause by referring to reputable sources and staying up-to-date with current research findings.
Consider multiple sources: Cross-reference information from multiple reputable sources to ensure accuracy and reliability. Compare information from different sources to get a well-rounded understanding of perimenopause and menopause.
Take care of your emotional well-being: Perimenopause and menopause can be emotional and challenging times for some women. It’s essential to take care of your emotional well-being and seek support from healthcare professionals, support groups, or trusted individuals when needed.
Remember, each woman’s experience with perimenopause and menopause may be different, and it’s important to approach research with an open mind and seek personalized healthcare advice from qualified professionals.
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