Lisa Opel PLEASEPINCHMEHARD Put pleasure back in your life.
Lisa Opel - Author and Speaker - PLEASEPINCHMEHARD

Or buy the book right here. Or listen to the audiobook on Spotify.

PLEASEPINCHMEHARD has a pleasure questionnaire if you’re in the mood to find out what you really like: here.

Listen to Lisa Opel’s guest interviews on podcasts worldwide here.

Empowering you to live your most “pleasurable” life.

Lisa Opel from PLEASEPINCHMEHARD hasn’t always had it easy with her pleasure and admits its an ongoing process. With her holistic approach to infusing life with pleasures (large and small) she inspires and motivates others to embrace a similar love ethic. With workshops, readings, books, online stimulus and more she offers a plethora of options to make your life more pleasurable.

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