La Dolce Vulva Statement Socks

Discover ‘La Dolce Vulva’: statement socks redefining fashion with a message of empowerment and self-love. These socks celebrate diversity and support Vulvaversity, challenging beauty norms and promoting sustainability.
Female Pleasure Society – Natural Pleasure Elixir Erfahrungsbericht

Entdecke, wie das Natural Pleasure Elixir der Female Pleasure Society die Lust von Frauen wiederbelebt. Ein Erfahrungsbericht über Sinnlichkeit, Selbstfürsorge und neue Entdeckungen.
TEDx Frankfurt 2023 – TED Talk with Lisa Opel

Lisa Opel takes the spotlight as a distinguished speaker at TEDx Frankfurt 2023! Join us for an independently organized TED Talk event filled with captivating speakers. Lisa delves into the realm of pleasure.
Motherhood, sex and self-exploration

Exploring kinks, BDSM and fetishes can be a powerful way for mums to reclaim their sexuality, practice self-care, and embark on a journey of personal growth and self-exploration. Let me tell you why and how.
Hallo Yoni Online Kongress mit Lisa Opel

VIDEO INTERVIEW (DE) – Der Online Sex Kongress war ein wahres Highlight in diesem Jahr! Als Speakerin hatte ich die Ehre, über das Thema “Lust Verlust” zu sprechen und mit vielen anderen großartigen Expertinnen und Experten zusammenzuarbeiten.
Barre in Hamburg: the ultimate workout for mums

As I sauntered into my first-ever barre workout at the Youpila Studio in Hamburg, I couldn’t help but feel like a fish out of water. I mean, what kind of workout involves a ballet barre and tiny pulses that make your legs feel like they’re made of jelly?
Writing erotic fiction will inspire your sexuality!

Why writing down your naughty thoughts will snowball into so much more and how to get started in the easiest of ways!
OhJaaa! – Sex lieben – Lisa Opel

There were tears, there was laughter and later on there was a lot of sex! Annabell Neuhof and Lisa Opel spoke in OhJaaa! – Sex lieben on WDR about sex, love, passion, parenting and fantasies!
room8 Hamburg – Sex hotel or couple retreat?

Room8 Hamburg is not a sex hotel in the traditional sense. It is a getaway for couples to reconnect. An area untainted by stress, differences and the past. Basically, a hotel room with all the trimmings of a sex party. Read more plus a short story in-situ!
Eltern Magazin #takeover – Unlust als Mutter | pleasepinchmehard

Lisa Opel von pleasepinchmehard erzählt im #elterntakeover im Elternmagazin auf Instagram von ihrer Reise der weiblichen Lust. Mit Tips, Tools und mehr! Hier der Recap.