Hallo Yoni Online Kongress mit Lisa Opel

Bild von Jenny Lukas von Hallo Yoni Online Kongress und Lisa Opel für ein Interview

VIDEO INTERVIEW (DE) – Der Online Sex Kongress war ein wahres Highlight in diesem Jahr! Als Speakerin hatte ich die Ehre, über das Thema “Lust Verlust” zu sprechen und mit vielen anderen großartigen Expertinnen und Experten zusammenzuarbeiten.

Barre in Hamburg: the ultimate workout for mums

photo of women holding onto a ballet barre to depict mums training at the Barre in Hamburg

As I sauntered into my first-ever barre workout at the Youpila Studio in Hamburg, I couldn’t help but feel like a fish out of water. I mean, what kind of workout involves a ballet barre and tiny pulses that make your legs feel like they’re made of jelly?

OhJaaa! – Sex lieben – Lisa Opel

photo of Lisa Opel and Annabell Neuhof in the new episode of OhJaaa! - Sex lieben in the ARD Mediathek

There were tears, there was laughter and later on there was a lot of sex! Annabell Neuhof and Lisa Opel spoke in OhJaaa! – Sex lieben on WDR about sex, love, passion, parenting and fantasies!

room8 Hamburg – Sex hotel or couple retreat?

Photo of bed, love swing and couple in room8 Hamburg sex hotel or couples retreat

Room8 Hamburg is not a sex hotel in the traditional sense. It is a getaway for couples to reconnect. An area untainted by stress, differences and the past. Basically, a hotel room with all the trimmings of a sex party. Read more plus a short story in-situ!

Where can I find the best FREE & paid Erotica online?

A photo of a black wall with the word EROTICA in pink, neon writing as lights

Whether you’re looking for audio, amateur, fetish, kinks, visual, bdsm, sexy stories, apps to guide you through your sexuality, apps for couples, workshops, films etc. With a short description, the type of subscription and in which languages they offer their content, browse through and enjoy.

Sex as a mother: another patriarchal to-do on my list?

pleasepinchmehard article on motherhood and sexuality in a patriarchal frame - photo depicts a couple in black and white facing each other with another layer where they are back to back

Now, hear me out. I am most definitely one to poke the beehive. And I am ALWAYS the one to lower the tone. So when my friend told me how she would have sex with her husband so he would stop nagging her I was completely dumbfounded.