Perimenopause & Menopause Resources

A photo of a light box with the words manage your menopause on a peach background

With this topic still resonating as a massive taboo in todays society, here is a list of resources to get you started into better understanding the changes in your body when things start feeling different.

OhJaaa! – Sex lieben – Lisa Opel

photo of Lisa Opel and Annabell Neuhof in the new episode of OhJaaa! - Sex lieben in the ARD Mediathek

There were tears, there was laughter and later on there was a lot of sex! Annabell Neuhof and Lisa Opel spoke in OhJaaa! – Sex lieben on WDR about sex, love, passion, parenting and fantasies!

Night Temptress – a short story about witch erotica

photo of a woman on a very dark background symbolic of a witch in the night for the witch erotica short story night temptress written for Skirtclub by Mrs Lisa O from pleasepinchmehard

Fingertips on lips and skin, Tongues and silence, Words and sin. Each breath a poem, A moment so true, In wisdom, In knowing, Just me and you.

Take me, Use me, I’ll use you back, Give me your yes’s, Tie my hands behind my back.

When in Rome – kinky love

Photo of a woman lying in the bathtub with petals and flowers around her depicting the main protagonist of the story by Lisa Opel

The scar above her belly button was one of the mild ones, but, still, she hated looking at herself. Closing her eyes, she allowed just her feelings to steer her actions. And surely enough, she was aroused, relaxed even.

room8 Hamburg – Sex hotel or couple retreat?

Photo of bed, love swing and couple in room8 Hamburg sex hotel or couples retreat

Room8 Hamburg is not a sex hotel in the traditional sense. It is a getaway for couples to reconnect. An area untainted by stress, differences and the past. Basically, a hotel room with all the trimmings of a sex party. Read more plus a short story in-situ!

Red, ripe and ready – menstruation sex erotica

Photo of a woman in a red sequined dress touching her exposed thigh

Let me tell you a story: When I was younger, all missing teeth and self-cut fringe, my mother told me that when I grow up I can be whatever I want to be. And I believed her. But now, I’m not so sure anymore. Because I want to be someone who has orgasms. And that’s not who I am.

Rock my world – bisexual erotica

A photo of two women with their heads on each others shoulders in pink portraying the intimacy the couple in this story about bisexuality feels - erotica

My toes curl as she once more gazes up at me. Her eyes taunt me with longing. The spotlights from above frame her face like a portrait, etching the image into my eyes like staring at the sun for too long.