Embracing open communication through farting

A photo of a weather cock to symbolize how breaking barriers in relationships can change the winds of intimacy

Explore how something as ordinary as farting can have extraordinary effects on a relationship. Discover how embracing this natural bodily function can encourage open communication, strengthen trust, and foster a more authentic connection between partners.

Exploring love and lust

pleasepinchmehard photo from Unsplash of neon lights with the word love

Exploring love and lust: Unraveling the emotions and desires that shape relationships. Discover the key differences between passionate lust and deep, enduring love.

Motherhood, sex and self-exploration

A photo of black adult toys including a leather bunny mask, whips and handcuffs on a pink background

Exploring kinks, BDSM and fetishes can be a powerful way for mums to reclaim their sexuality, practice self-care, and embark on a journey of personal growth and self-exploration. Let me tell you why and how.

Hallo Yoni Online Kongress mit Lisa Opel

Bild von Jenny Lukas von Hallo Yoni Online Kongress und Lisa Opel für ein Interview

VIDEO INTERVIEW (DE) – Der Online Sex Kongress war ein wahres Highlight in diesem Jahr! Als Speakerin hatte ich die Ehre, über das Thema “Lust Verlust” zu sprechen und mit vielen anderen großartigen Expertinnen und Experten zusammenzuarbeiten.

Barre in Hamburg: the ultimate workout for mums

photo of women holding onto a ballet barre to depict mums training at the Barre in Hamburg

As I sauntered into my first-ever barre workout at the Youpila Studio in Hamburg, I couldn’t help but feel like a fish out of water. I mean, what kind of workout involves a ballet barre and tiny pulses that make your legs feel like they’re made of jelly?

Perimenopause & Menopause Resources

A photo of a light box with the words manage your menopause on a peach background

With this topic still resonating as a massive taboo in todays society, here is a list of resources to get you started into better understanding the changes in your body when things start feeling different.