DEEP&DIRTY Podcast :: Kink, Shibari & Core Erotic Being / Vaegabound

Ein Gespräch mit Sascha Achner über Kink, Shibari und unser Core Erotic Being mit Lisa Opel von DEEP&DIRTY (pleasepinchmehard)
TEDx Lisa Opel Outfit

Join me on a TEDx journey, where resilience meets style. From Marina Hoermanseder’s iconic black strap skirt to ITEM M6’s vibrant pink underwear, we unfold a narrative of empowerment and self-discovery together.
Five questions for a relationship check-in

Ready to spark up your relationship? Explore our five-question relationship check-in and uncover expert insights with playful exercises. How can you keep the flame alive in your love story?
Lisa Opel TEDx Affiliates

Meet my TED Talk affiliates: FUNFACTORY, CHEEX, and BEDUCATED. Discover how these empowering brands align with my mission of self-expression and empowerment, promoting personal growth, sexual liberation, and nurturing fulfilling relationships.
Saint Sass

Explore the empowering world of Saint Sass, a visionary brand that redefines fashion with its bold blend of style and self-determined living. Discover how this Berlin-based startup is making a statement that encourages women to embrace their unique identities and challenge societal norms.
Marina Hoermanseder

Marina Hoermanseder: Redefining Fashion with Artistry and Sustainability – Explore the innovative designs and empowering ethos of this visionary fashion brand.
TEDx Frankfurt 2023 – TED Talk with Lisa Opel

Lisa Opel takes the spotlight as a distinguished speaker at TEDx Frankfurt 2023! Join us for an independently organized TED Talk event filled with captivating speakers. Lisa delves into the realm of pleasure.